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However, the scenes that caused Doctor Strange not to be screened in certain countries aren’t about Chavez’s identity, but focus on her two moms. The comic book character is an out and proud LGBTQ+ superhero raised by two moms and makes no bones about her crushes on women. Then she lands in our world, interrupting Stephen Strange while attending his ex-girlfriend’s wedding.įans may have heard America is a controversial figure. When Chavez arrives on screen as a 14-year-old kid being chased by rune-covered monsters, she can’t control her power or where she winds up. She travels through the multiverse via her primary superpower, punching holes between universes. Warning: Spoilers for Doctor Strange in The Multiverse of Madness follow.

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But America Chavez’s pin caught fans’ attention and is quickly a significant symbol of Marvel pride. When Doctor Strange 2 opens, she’s started to use her newfound powers, accidentally leading Strange to meet America Chavez.

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As Marvel fans will remember, the last time they saw Wanda Maximoff, she retreated to somewhere deep in Eastern Europe while learning about the magic she had always suppressed. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is a direct sequel to last year’s WandaVision.

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